Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today's work

Today I did my filming at Cleveland High School. I had originally planned to meet Nilton at 11 to get a boom mic from the equipment room since he was going to be using it on Saturday, but that didn't work out because i was on a strict deadline. Me and Chris arrived at about 11:30 and setting up was a snap because all we needed to bring was the camera and mixer. Everything else was pretty much provided for us; the tripod, microphones, and especially the flawless green screen for the background. And we only need two people for the shoot, since we could just have the boom mic on a mic stand. So we had everything set up within about 20 minutes with no unexpected technical problems.

So after that we had about 45 minutes to shoot, not too bad for a project that is only going to be 4 minutes in length. The teachers at the school needed the studio during lunch time for a club meeting. Me and Chris ran through all the lines a few times, because i just could not get them down completely without messing them up, which is okay because we could just do take upon take of the same lines, each time doing them better and better until i got it perfect. So we finished filming and still had some time to spare so we filmed an all-new introduction, just for options.

So we finished just in time and packed everything up. Then in class, I imported my footage, but had to do it on a mac because my computer doesn't have a big firewire port. I could put my Premiere project on my flash drive no problem but im having problems getting the footage on there because it says every time that there was an "unexpected error" whatever that means. So now i need to either come in to lab hours on monday or find someone with a DV camera so i can re-import the footage to my computer. ugh!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jet Bike

The Jet Bike I've been working on in Maya. The video will be coming soon